Unpublished Messages of James Padgett.

John gives advice as to how to obtain the most benefit from reading these messages

January 19th, 1917.

Received by James Padgett

Washington D.C.


I am here, John. I am here tonight to say a few words about your condition as to the spiritual side of your being and to show you that you must make an effort to get out of your indifference as to our writing. I know that you feel that you are not in condition to write and that being so you will not make the effort and success cannot come in the communications.

Well it is true that it is necessary for you to be in a certain receptive condition in order for us to get in proper rapport with you and thus be enabled to exercise our powers in controlling your brain as well as your hand in the performance of our work but many times when you think that you are not in this condition you deceive yourself and thus really bring about the condition that you imagine exists in you at the time.

Now we do not desire to impose upon you a burden that may become oppressive to you or make you uncomfortable and we are careful, more careful than you can possibly be yourself to prevent any condition of strain coming to you that might do you harm, or in any way be injurious to you. You are the one instrument that we have selected to do our work, and you can readily see how necessary it is that we keep that instrument in proper rapport and attunement with us.

But we also realize that you can from indifference or thought that you are not just in condition to do the work, prevent the communications from being received by you. You must overcome such feelings and thoughts and believe that you are of yourself sufficient to do the work.

There are many messages yet to be written on these great truths that we desire you to make know to the world and the time is short in which you must do the work and permit the communications to be given to you.

I think from what I have said that you will understand the importance of the necessity for throwing off the indifference or attitude that you have recently indulged in and to strive with all your powers to get into that belief and spiritual condition that will enable you to give more time to the work.

I notice that at times when you should be writing the desire comes to you to read some book on the nature of the one that you have been reading tonight and that you exercise such desire to the detriment of our cause. Such books do you no good for the truths that they contain will be revealed to you in our writings and the many untruths that they contain are only harmful. These books portray to you only the speculations of their authors and these speculations are so varied and contradictory that when you have finished your reading you are not in possession of any new truth and in fact it makes the question of what is truth harder to answer than before you commenced the reading. So my advice is to let these books alone and on things pertaining to the soul and the destiny of mankind learn only the truths that we may declare to you and assimilate and arrange them in such a manner as will enable you to fully realize what the truth really is. I do not think it necessary for me to say anything further on this subject tonight.

Well, your wife has explained to you just how and why that interference takes place and we are willing and so should you be that such interruptions come for the good that you do, you cannot conceive of. But you must believe what we say when you are informed that the things you do on such occasions are part of the work.

I will come soon and write you a letter upon an important subject and so will many others who are here anxious to write.

Yes, you do not grasp the full meaning of the truths or what you read at the time you do the reading. You skim over the writings and get a general idea and then in a little while the recollection of the same leaves you. I would advise that you read more slowly and think about what you read and cause it to find a lodgement in your mind. You had better consume a whole evening in reading one page and obtain full possession of its meaning than to read a dozen pages in the cursory way that I speak of. Your memory can be improved so that you will find no difficulty in recalling what you may have read. Try the plan that I speak of and in a short time you will realize the results. Get into the habit in all your reading to read slowly and grasp and digest what you read.

Well it has been a long time since we lived on earth and the matter is one that we have never thought of in all these centuries so that it is a little difficult to recall but my best recollection is that Judas was the youngest of all the apostles and the one who was most impulsive and found some impatience under restraint.

Well I will now stop and in doing so will say that I am with you quite often in my love trying to open your soul to a great inflowing of the Father’s love and to a realization that it is for you in all its abundance.

We all love you and try to help you and are so anxious that you shall have the surrounding that you so much desire in which to do the work. And you will have them before a great while as we have promised you.

No it would not interfere and at the proper time we will all advise you to get a companion. It is natural and necessary that you have such companionship and the only thing to consider is that in making a selection you choose one who may be in sympathy with you in these spiritual matters. That will be absolutely necessary to your happiness and the success of your work and we will give you our aid in making the choice.

I will say, good night. Your brother in Christ, John


Note This message is not in the published volumes. It was extracted from the archive by Geoff Cutler and prepared by Catherine Whiteside in May 2019.