True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 4

Nathan Plummer writes about his progress from darkness.

Received by James Padgett

Washington D.C.


I am here, Nathan Plummer.

Let me write a few lines as I am anxious to tell the Doctor that he is not the only one who knows something about the Divine Love, although he knew about it before I did and told me of it when I did not know what he was talking about. But now I know something of what it means, thanks to him and the bright spirits who came to my help.

Well, you may imagine who I am, and will no doubt feel glad that I am no longer in darkness, but have gotten into one of the bright spheres. Well, I am certainly surprised that I am no longer a dweller among the dark spirits and have the certainty that this Love is the thing that can make a hellish spirit one with love and happiness in his soul. I am now praying with all my strength and am not satisfied with my progress, although when I think of what I was and what I now am, it seems that some great miracle has been performed, and so it has.

I now no longer want to be deaf, for now I can hear beautiful music and loving expressions from spirits who are my associates and possessors of this Love to a greater degree than even I possess.

Well, Doctor, I cannot tell you how much I now realize the good fortune that was mine in knowing you on earth and having you tell me of things that were so new to me and which sounded so unreal, but which I now know were all true and the means of my salvation. You would scarcely know me if you could see me, for I am now, they tell me, real handsome, and I reckon I am, for I feel that from being a devil I have turned into a comparatively good spirit, and when I further tell you that I no longer indulge in thoughts that were so natural to me when on earth, and that seemed to be a part of my nature, I know that you will rejoice with me.

My wife has progressed too, for she says that she met so many spirits in darkness who all believed as she did when on earth, and so many others full of light and beauty who did not believe as she did when she was in darkness. So she just had to think that there was something wrong in the beliefs of those in darkness, and she must turn to the bright spirits and take their advice and pray only to the Father to fill her soul with His Divine Love.

She regrets that she did not believe you, when you told her on earth before she left the mortal body.

Well, I am glad to write you in this way and let you know that how devilish and wicked a man may be when he gets the Divine Love he will become a better man and started on his way to the true life of the spirit world.

I will not write more now but again express my gratitude and love and good night.

Your old friend,

Nathan Plummer.


P.S.: I was closely associated with Nathan and his wife and for a time lived at their home in Washington, D.C., and talked to Mrs. Plummer that the blood of Jesus will not wash away her sins and entitle her to go to Heaven. I told her when she was on earth that only the Divine Love entering her soul in response to her soul longings in earnest prayer to the Father will entitle her to enter the Divine Heavens. Dr. Leslie Stone.

Nathan Plummer wrote the message in Vol. I, “It is hard to learn of Heavenly things in hell,” with a letter “B” to protect his name at the time. Leslie R. Stone.