Padgett's Messages

All The Padgett Messages In Date Order For 1920, 1921 and 1922 both published and unpublished

Author Title Date of Message
Scott, Charles knows what death means - knows he is living & suffering - wants help - not in condition to know the truths of religion Feb. 2, 1920
Saint John - the Apostle my condition - why I cannot write - the remedy Feb. 6, 1920
Jesus my condition - advice Feb. 9, 1920
Helen Padgett personal - my condition - wants to tell me of her love - advice - Baby in the celestial spheres - my work Feb. 9, 1920
Helen Padgett my condition - her love Feb. 10, 1920
Saint John - the Apostle my friends are present - all waiting for me to get in condition - many important messages to be delivered - my condition Feb. 12, 1920
Helen Padgett John wrote - advice - been with me - Ella - help meet - spirit world immense - many are strangers - with me at lecture - Sir Oliver Lodge - Raymond not interested in the spiritual truths - mortals and spirits alike Feb. 12, 1920
Jesus my condition - advice - messages Feb. 14, 1920
Jesus writes on the Incarnate Soul Feb. 15, 1920
Helen Padgett and Mary Kennedy Helen and Mary write of their love for their soulmates on earth. (added) Feb 16, 1920
Helen Padgett my condition - advice Feb. 17, 1920
Helen Padgett no other spirit write tonight - my condition - advice - the spirits who started in the work have not abandoned it - been deprived of many hours of happiness - my work Feb. 18, 1920
Helen Padgett her love - necessity for the divine love - conversation with C - his mother - I have not been in condition for a long time Feb. 20, 1920
Jesus am Jesus who writes Feb. 21, 1920
Helen Padgett the Master - Terry’s lecture on the keys to heaven - Ella Feb. 21, 1920
Helen Padgett my condition - Mary & Mr. Stone wrote Feb. 26, 1920
Riddle, Albert G. Wrote on: “Heaven is a place as well as a condition” Feb. 27, 1920
Helen Padgett Mr. Riddle wrote - heaven a place - the mansions Feb. 27, 1920
Josephus my condition - the law must be obeyed - advice Mar. 2, 1920
Helen Padgett encouragement - Josephus wrote - happy that she can write - advice Mar. 2, 1920
Helen Padgett two impersonating spirits wrote - my condition Mar. 3, 1920
Jesus my condition - my work - the law of rapport - advice - many truths yet to be revealed - advice Mar. 7, 1920
Helen Padgett the Master wrote - so loving & tender - advice Mar. 7, 1920
Jesus interested in the origin of the soul - will continue it in his message on the Incarnate Soul - the origin of the soul not due to emanation or traducianism - or creation except as explained - try to get in condition, etc. Mar. 13, 1920
Helen Padgett Master & John wrote - my condition, etc. Mar. 13, 1920
Perry, Willie in hell & suffering - wants help Mar. 19, 1920
Helen Padgett with me when I visited the medium - describes her spiritual condition Mar. 20, 1920
Jesus writing on the two destinies of man in the spirit world - comments on Dr. Pierce’s sermon on religion Mar. 21, 1920
Channing, Dr. comments on Jesus’ comments on the Unitarian preacher’s sermon Mar. 24, 1920
Helen Padgett Master wrote - Mary pleased at the photo that Dr. got - advice Mar. 24, 1920
Helen Padgett glad that she can write again - advice as to a woman Apr. 12, 1920
Helen Padgett in better condition - glad that she can come closer to me Apr. 19. 1920
Jesus in much better condition - advice Apr. 13, 1920
Helen Padgett about the woman - better be alone - love - etc. Apr. 13, 1920
Jesus my condition - advice - must bring writings to a close Apr. 19, 1920
Helen Padgett with me at the music - her love - Master present Apr. 28, 1920
Jesus writes on the “condition of the people who think they have received the divine love when they have not.” The Holy Spirit May 10, 1920
Helen Padgett my condition better - can get so close to her - she is happy - what a difference in my condition when indifferent and when the love is active May 2, 1920
Jesus writes on the “condition of the people who think they have received the divine love when they have not.” - The Holy Spirit May 10, 1920
Helen Padgett glad that she could write again & tell me of her love - Master wrote me an important message on the Holy Spirit May 10, 1920
Helen Padgett comments on my reading the message to Mrs. M. Her soulmate -her husband - dark spirits present - John & many other spirits present - the spirits who communicate to Mr. Morgan about the work - he must rest May 12, 1920
Ann Rollins her love - my condition - must not become discouraged only pray more -comments on the Methodist preacher’s description of the condition of the dead May 23, 1920
Helen Padgett write me today trying to help me - sees that I am anxious to receive some messages from the higher spirits - my work - Baby wants to write May 24, 1920
Nita (Padgett’s daughter) gives a description of her passing - the condition in which she found herself May 25, 1920
Helen Padgett so glad that Nita wrote - she feels better & is hugging me now May 25, 1920
Helen Padgett glad that I have so much of the love in my soul - glad that I am pleased with Nita’s letter - with me today trying to direct my mind to spiritual things - Miss Colburn not very spiritual May 28, 1920
Helen Padgett with me a great deal today - why worry - Master with me also May 29, 1920
Jesus many messages to be written - can come only through my mediumship - Mr. Morgan’s work - myriads of spirits present when he gives his talk - he is mistaken when he thinks he can start the work - I will not receive all the truths of the Infinite - the revelation of truth will never have a finality - my condition delays the work June 1, 1920
Sinclair, John D. heard me read the messages - never experienced anything like them - not in much darkness - explain what it all means June 1, 1920
Helen Padgett with me as I read the messages - Mary also present - advice June 1, 1920
Jesus message on Immortality June 2, 1920
Helen Padgett Master wrote on the subject of Immortality - He was very much in earnest - advice & encouragement June 2, 1920
Helen Padgett the music drew Baby and me close to you - love June 8, 1920
Helen Padgett refers to the messages to Mr. Morgan - advice - “Humility is the bright diadem of a Christian” June 9, 1920
Mary Kennedy (added) June 10, 1920
Helen Padgett Mary has written to the Dr. - with me at the music - my presence will become a thing of reality to you June 11, 1920
Helen Padgett with me at Colburn’s - Baby & love - must think of them more June 27, 1920
Helen Padgett advice as to asking P. - happy in progress - living in an atmosphere more beautiful - Baby happy - Uncle William met his wife when she came over - describes the scene - not his soulmate June 29, 1920
Jesus always anxious to write - with me as Dr. & I discussed spiritual things - many spirit friends with you - my condition - rapport July 19, 1920
Jesus comments on the preacher’s sermon on God - “His great gift is the divine love, and these things of the material he leaves to his ministering spirits to bestow.” - my work Sept. 19, 1920
Samuel (Added) March 27, 1921
Helen Padgett (Added) March 27, 1921
Helen Padgett (Added) November 2, 1921
Judas Iscariot (Added) What men must do to see God and realise that He is a personal God March 21, 1922
Jesus (added) Jesus approving and emphasising what Judas has written. March 21, 1922
Helen Padgett (Added) (not published) April 4, 1922
Luke Immortality.(added) April 17, 1922


There are no more messages recorded, and James Padgett passed into spirit on March 17th, 1923, at age 67.

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