Other Stuff
Books - Space Families and hidden Earth Civilisations
These are a recent addition to this site that reflects my interest in and communication from our space family. Once I learned that several of the advanced civilisations practise exactly what we do - opening our souls to the inflowing of the energy available from the Prime Source, which we call Divine Love, I became seriously interested in this subject. On another site I built - SoulTruth.ca - there are a large number of communications from Orion which prove exactly this.
It did not take long for this new interest to spread to some amazing areas. I once dismissed the concept of a “Middle Earth”, only to find that its not unusual for planets to be merely shells. I had no idea how science has failed to account for the loss in mass such a concept would cause until I read the book below “Inside the Earth.” Then to find Sasquatch are reaching out to us and know an enormous amount of what happened on Earth as they predated us by many centuries - wonders don’t cease.
However I think I need to add a caveat. It is the case that deliberate misinformation is coming from 4D beings of the dark side determined to confuse Light Workers. Many mediums unfortunately do not seem to realise that this could happen, nor are they necessarily trained in discerning deceptive entities. But when we are all so much in the dark about Earth’s real history, its pretty easy to put out a different narrative. Often of course its 80% truth, 20% agenda stuff. Those are the hardest to spot because they may align with other material you are fine with. I am considering adding a list of books I don’t recommend, but that runs its own risks. Not sure yet if I will.
Disclosure : Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History
by Steven M Greer
This was the first book I ever read on ufos. I found it in a second hand bookstore and decided to buy it. At the time I was not particularly interested in the subject, but like many people wondered if there was any truth to it.
After reading this book I was absolutely certain ufos and extra terrestials existed. They appeared to be maintaining a careful watch over our militaries and were willing to intervene on occasion, and demonstrated powers we could not imagine.
However it did not cause me to investigate the subject further, as at that time I could not see how they related to my spiritual journey, which was just beginning. I remember thinking however, that it would be very interesting to know what they believe.
As I see that on Amazon, a first Edition - what I have - is now over AUD$500, I have made a very good investment!
You are Becoming a Galactic Human
by Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidle.
This is a free pdf portion of this book that covers the Photon Belt that I expect Earth to enter very soon - literally in months. It is now 8th December 2023.
This book is quite fascinating but sadly out of print and there are no other ebook extracts or electronic versions at all. Yes, at least one website claims to have an electronic version, but I found out it is a scammer and once your credit card details are in their hands you will have to cancel your card. As the small number of used copies now sell for up to 300 dollars each, this is rather sad.
A large portion of this book covers the history of this planet. Having read the entire book, as well as several other books claiming to tell the history of our planet, I have a sense the dates given here are probably more accurate than some other sources I have read. Dates and names are things that mediums find hard to get accurately, so it does not surprise me some books that otherwise seem excellent, may have dates that are a bit out of line.
Earth Awakens: Prophecy 2017 - 2030
Sal Rachele
This is a fascinating overview of many space civilisations and their interactions with Earth. I was fascinated to read here that the Andromedans had a history of interfering in Earth affairs beyond what was considered acceptable to the Galactic Federation. In particular they were the source of The Urantia book, a book that I have had serious issues with the longer I was exposed to it.
It all culminated in me asking a question of Josephus who had never heard of this book but said the concept of a “Thought Adjuster” - a portion of God not actually bonded to the human as a soul is, (in fact we simply are soul) a concept from an intellectually biased source who has insufficient soul development to really know - from the depths of their own souls - what a soul is. And that Andromedan civilisation is apparently 4D/5D so far too undeveloped - albeit more than us - to be setting themselves up as Celestial Teachers with an inerrant source of Truth.
This book is out of print and second hand print copies are very expensive, however there are Kindle copies as also Sal Rachele offers a pdf for only 10 dollars.
I have also obtained another book of Sal Rachele called “The Real History of Earth”. It has some absolutely fascinating information but the dates often do not align with “You are Becoming a Galatic Human”. For all that, I feel this book is also worth reading closely.
THE SASQUATCH MESSAGE TO HUMANITY: Conversations with Elder Kamooh
SunBow TrueBrother
There are three volumes in this series. I had some years ago a conversation with a very highly respected First Nations elder and pipe carrier who personally witnessed three Sasquatch by the side of the river when on a quest with a companion who also saw them, deep in the Canadian wilderness.
But they vanished from human sight in the blink of an eye. That was what led me to understand they are multi-dimensional creatures, and explains our inability to really contact them when they have every reason to fear mankind.
This book, which I have not yet completed, has a great ring of Truth about it, as does the explanation that they have been hunted close to extinction by the dark side, simply because they are meant to be teachers of humanity, and never fell for the agenda of the dark side.
They are really quite advanced - certainly more than us - yet were never capable of speech, something they don’t need as they communicate entirely telepathically. Much revealed here aligns with other sources I have come to trust. They share a lot of our DNA yet have a common soul rather than individual souls as we do. They did not evolve out of any Homo species as they were of a far earlier time.
A Kindle version is available.
Telos Volume 1 - Revelations of the New Lemuria
Aurelia Louise Jones
There are three volumes in this series. The last one focuses on suggested meditations and spiritual practises. I was less enamoured of that, for reasons I could not quite identify.
The first two volumes tell of the survivors of Lemuria who managed to transition to a new home under Mt. Shasta prior to Lemuria being attacked by Atlantis. It is a fascinating story of how there could be a human (us) civilisation living so close to us, yet sufficiently advanced into 5D as to escape our eyes. There are several other books that expand on topics like Middle Earth - which is not where these folks live. But what fascinated me most was how a 5D civilisation functions.
Curiously the Sasquatch book above states that this series of books was infiltrated by some misinformation, specifically the near god-like status accorded to St Germain. It would not be the first time that a channel has had an entity switch on them. On the other hand, I have had a personal encounter with El Moyra and his Blue Ray healing, and so I know that he must be the real deal because otherwise he would not have made it past my gatekeepers. In any event, based purely on the exceptional healing he brought, that alone should suffice. He is not a Telosian, but forms very much a part of the spiritual practices they endorse.
Raechel’s Eyes: The strange but true case of a human-alien hybrid
Helen Littrell and Jean Bilodeaux
This is an absolutely fascinating story of an attempt to integrate a Zeta Retuculi/human hybrid into an American college. It was reconstructed after the memories of all those involved were wiped.
It has an absolute ring of truth. I understand some 65,000 of these hybrids were created and have been removed to another planet. According to Sal Rachele1 this was NOT to infiltrate our civilisation but to recover theirs. As a result it was allowed to proceed by the Galatic Federation and once sufficient DNA had been acquired it was terminated around 1990. This was also allowed by the American government because Eisenhower signed a treaty allowing this.
An Kindle version is available here.
Note 1
In the book (listed above) “Earth Awakens: Prophecy 2017 - 2030”, Sal Rachel offers this comment, which I know is at variance with a completely opposite view.
Zeta Reticulus
In our earlier works, the various sub-species of Zetas were detailed (“whites,” “greys,” and others). It was also discussed that about 90% of the Zetas left the Earth in the 1990s when they had acquired sufficient levels of human DNA to restore the balance within their own DNA. Only about 10% of the original Zeta members remain on or around the Earth, mostly in clean-up roles, or to monitor their members who have incarnated here. Most of the Zeta abductions were performed on their own race, though not all of the abductees remembered their karmic agreement to incarnate on Earth. Some abductions were done against human free will.
Inside the Earth - The Second Tunnel
Radu Cinamar
This is the very latest book from this individual who lives in Rumania. I was looking for anyone who had actually found and explored the tunnels I had heard exist which cover vast areas of our Earth within the mantle. (1000 miles of the shell) And I found this book. It was for me rather tedious reading in some parts, as it seems that despite being in charge of the division within that country devoted to psychic stuff, he is still somewhat unfamiliar with the concepts of dimensions as I know them. So he was slowly being educated by a fellow from China. The Rumanians have close and enduring contacts with China going back to when they were a communist country.
Now that I am well into this book I particularly love an entire section devoted to uncovering all the experiments conventional scientists have performed, and which led them to their current view that the Earth is solid, with a very dense core of iron and nickel. Also covered are the experiments whose results would seriously challenge that theory but which are totally ignored. I have never realised how stubbornly they can hang onto old theories. The notion science is willing to look at new evidence is totally debunked here.
This book tells of an incredible cavern system found in Rumania that the Americans knew about because of aerial mapping of the substrate, plus three major tunnels one of which goes to Tibet, one to Egypt, and the other to middle Earth.
I don’t wish to spoil the story, because it comes with a real sense of Truth telling, including the association with the Americans and the attempts at influence by Occult societies. But there is a very very simple reason why the centre of Earth is not solid. As the reader should know “our” surface is 3D, even as the Earth is dragging itself out of that low dimension at this time. However the centre is not 3D hence it transitions to 4D and higher, until there is no material from 3D present. Its impossible however, with 3D science alone, to understand this. The reason they stick with the idea that its nickel and iron is because of the strength of our magnetic fields that they do not truly understand.
A Kindle can be bought here.
Secrets of the Subterranean Cities
Princess Sharula Aurora Dux and Dianne Robbins
The promotional blurb: Currently, a few hundred brave sub-terraneans are working on the surface. In order to blend with the masses, they have undergone temporary cellular change so that, physically, they don’t tower above the rest of us. They may be recognized by their gentle, sensitive nature and somewhat mysterious accent.
We wish to introduce you to Princess Sharula Aurora Dux, the daughter of the Ra and Rana Mu of Telos. Sharula has been officially appointed Ambassador to the surface world by the Agartha Network. She was born in 1725, and looks thirty. This book is courtesy of her firsthand experience. It contains the transcript of two tapes that Sharula recorded in the early 1990s.
This book does not explain how it is possible for the Earth to be hollow. That is covered in the book previously listed. I think without an explanation that, if not current scientific knowledge (i.e 3D knowledge), is at least scientific within higher dimensions, most people would be somewhat justified in laughing at this notion.
By the way, as mentioned in the book by Radu Cinamar, the cover image of this book is actually quite fake, in that there are no holes in the 3D crust of our Earth at the North and South poles. There are many portals in those areas, but its solid. The stories about gaining entry at the poles involves accidentally utilising one of these portals.